Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Shed Has a New Constitution

Yesterday the members of Bateau Bay Men's Shed Inc. voted to replace their original constitution with one rewritten to reflect the needs of the Shed. The new constitution retains much of the original Model Rules version but includes a number of amendments.

When the Shed opened in 2009, and later became Incorporated, the Model Rules provided by NSW Fair Trading, were accepted as those governing the Shed. Fair Trading has since made it known that if Incorporated bodies such as ours wished to amend their constitutions so as to better reflect their operating policies and governance then these changes could be made free of charge. Bateau Bay Men's Shed Inc. has taken this opportunity and yesterday held a Special General Meeting that passed the changes proposed that would bring bring our new constitution into operation.

NSW Fair Trading has now been provided with a copy of the new constitution.