Tuesday, March 7, 2023

 Our committee is of the opinion we need to start upgrading or purchasing equipment to move our members into the computer technology age. 

To that end we have recently added a laser burner/cutter to the Shed. Below are photos of the Emblazer2 machine acquired and a cake topper cut from 3 ply for a members granddaughter's 19th birthday; also samples of etching the machine can do on a whole array of different materials.

 The whole process is programed on a computer then fed into the Emblazer2 via Lightburn software that comes with the machine.

We are now all on a learning curve to operate this contraption!! 



Monday, March 6, 2023

 Just before Xmas a guy named Philip came to the Shed with a special request. The neighbour across the road from him (single lady) had a letterbox that had fallen to pieces with age. He had previously repaired it a couple of times but it had reached it's use by date but the post was still OK.       

As a surprise Xmas present he asked us to make another one without a post. Steve Harris a qualified  carpenter enjoys doing this type of thing.  He put his hand up and proceeded to manufacture one to his own design out of cedar. The client wanted to paint it himself. so it was supplied raw. 

We don't think she will be wanting a replacement for a very long time.