Thursday, June 29, 2023

 This is another aid we make on request. Over the years the Shed has made many of these card holders. Some of the card games played have 2 or 3 decks so the dealt hand is hard to hold. The problem is that it's mostly women wanting them and they all have their own design ideas. Therefore we cannot make stock.                             Here is just a couple we made recently





 Here is another project we instigated for our new laser Emblazer2 Etch/cutter. We decided to update our name badges from the old plastic holders to new permanent acrylic ones. The coloured dot will be changed every year once dues are payed. This will enable admin to visually note if a member is financial. 

A bit more professional eh!





 Goodstart Pre-School at Woobury Park asked us to make one of the old style hobby horses for them. They wanted to see if the children would like it but mainly it would be made from timber and not plastic.    If the kids like it they will probably want more. Below is a snap of the first one off made by our ever reliable Steve Harris



Thursday, June 22, 2023

 Peter Green one of our newer members wanted to make each of his grandchildren a memento he had made they could treasure forever. Here are the three trinket boxes he made with their names etched on the lids, made by Poppy underneath and the year. 

Well done Peter the kids will love them.



 Grow Pre-school at Killarney Vale saw one of the mud kitchens we had made for another school and asked if we could make one for them. The only difference they wanted was to have a tap with a connection for a hose so the kids would have water as well. To raise funds the school was to have an open day and sell projects the children had drawn or made as well as the usual cakes etc. The day was a huge success and amply covered the cost. Neil,Wayne,Graham and a few others hopped and as usual got the job done. When we delivered it the children were delighted and swarmed around it like bees.

Another job well done fellas




Thursday, June 15, 2023

  Tumbi Umbi Campus approached our Shed and asked if we would tutor a student with a project he had to complete. He needed to make something of his choice out of timber. He decided on a small storage box as in the photos below. After completion the  teacher would assess his effort and mark it accordingly. As he has done many times before, Ron Belshaw took Archer under his wing and instructed him from start to finish. 

Looks good for a first attempt Archer.

You may get top marks for this.